Books English Küppers, B.-O.: The Language of Living Matter, 2022 Further information Küppers, B.-O.: The Computability of the World, 2018 German original 2014 Further information Küppers, B.-O., Hahn, U. and Artmann, S. (Eds.): Evolution of Semantic Systems, 2013 Further information Küppers, B.-O.: Information and the Origin of Life, 1990 Foreword by Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker German original 1986, Polish 1991, Japanese 1991 Further information Küppers, B.-O.: Molecular Theory of Evolution, 1983, 2nd edition 1985 Further information German Küppers, B.-O.: Die Berechenbarkeit der Welt, 2012 Further information Küppers, B.-O.: Wissen statt Moral, 2010 Further information Küppers, B.-O.: Nur Wissen kann Wissen beherrschen, 2008 Further information Küppers, B.-O. (Ed.): Die Einheit der Wirklichkeit, 2000 Further information Rudolph, E. and Küppers, B.-O. (Eds.): Kulturkritik nach Ernst Cassirer, 1995 Further information Küppers, B.-O.: Natur als Organismus, 1992 Further information Küppers, B.-O. (Ed.): Ordnung aus dem Chaos, 1987 Dedicated to Manfred Eigen on his 60th birthday Further information Küppers, B.-O. (Ed.): Leben = Physik + Chemie?, 1987 Further information Küppers, B.-O.: Der Ursprung biologischer Information, 1986 Vorwort von Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Further information Polish Küppers, B.-O.: Geneza informacji biologicznej, 1991 Further information Japanese B.O. キュッパース: 遺伝子は遊戯する―生命の起源と情報科学, 1991 Further information